• AWS Cloud – Searching and Retrieving Logs with Bash Scripting

    When troubleshooting issues in a cloud environment, it’s crucial to have effective tools and scripts to search and retrieve logs efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore a Bash script that utilizes the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to search for specific error codes in CloudWatch logs and retrieve relevant log content. Let’s dive into…

  • Little habits made me a better developer

    I recently shared these valuable tips with my friends in a private group, and I thought it would be beneficial to share them with a wider audience. These tips can help you improve your coding skills and approach problems with a fresh perspective. Let’s dive in! By following these tips, you’ll not only enhance your…

  • Java: Import AWS RDS certificate

    To establish secure connection between Java application and AWS MySQL RDS instance the ssl/tls certificate needs to be imported in to JVM. Step #1: Find Java home Using the following commands you can find the Java home directory whereis javals -l /etc/alternatives/java Step #2: backup existing cacerts file for future reference cp $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerrts $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerrts.original Here…

  • Design pattern to scale relational database horizontally

    Database scalability is one of the critical factor in designing scalable web application. All the four major cloud vendors (Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Oracle) offers relational database as service which abstracts several complexities for developers to setup and manage database servers that helps developers focus on core application development. Even with cloud vendors’ service based…

  • Monitoring HttpSession memory leak during JavaEE development

    In my previous post I have provided a sample servlet filter to monitor non-serializable objects in HttpSession to make the JavaEE application compatible for clustered environment. We have enhanced the same servlet filter to log HttpSession object size which is helping us to find the memory leak during the development. Here is the Java code

  • Java: Sample Active Directory authentication code

    Here is a sample Java code to authenticate against Windows Active Directory server. The code finds all available active directory servers in your network. It uses one of the available active directory server for authentication. If an active directory server is down then it starts using next available server if any. This class is thread-safe,…

  • Some statistics on programming language

    Some interesting statistics on open source programming language based on TIOBE Programming Community Index. Programming Language First Released Ratings Oct 2013 C 1972 17.25% Java 1995 16.11% C++ 1980 8.66% PHP 1995 6.09% Python 1991 3.11% JavaScript 1995 2.04% Perl 1987 1.61% Ruby 1993 1.25% Groovy 2003 0.66% Scala 2003 0.35% Haskell 1990 0.25% Source: http://www.tiobe.com/tpci.htm…

  • JavaEE – Clustering support in JSF, Wicket, ZK, etc.

    When a seasoned MVC framework developer starts writing code in component based framework like JSF, Wicket, ZK, etc. they fail to understand the basic differences between MVC and component based framework because they could write code which can work in non-clustered environment i.e. in single JVM deployment. When the same application is deployed in a…

  • Simple vs. Complex design

    Some of my favorite quotes and comments about simple vs. complex design. achieving a simple, elegant design is very hard work but since the design is so simple and elegant it looks like it should be easy. so you get less credit than if you design something that looks complicated

  • Capture Heap dump from Tomcat Windows Service

    Add the following options into Tomcat >> Java >> Java Options -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=8086 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false Goto JAVA_HOME/bin directory and launch jconsole.exe application In the remote process box enter localhost:8086 and click Connect button Switch to the MBeans tab select com.sun.management – HotSpotDiagnostic – Operations – dumpHeap in the tree on the left Pressing the dumpHeap…

  • Alternative to JPA / Hibernate

    Ours is a legacy application, we are migrating from desktop to JavaEE web based application. Since it is desktop application database triggers, functions and procedures are heavy used to do lots important functionality. Some of our team members were proposing JPA to move trigger, function and procedure logic to Java layer but many of us…

  • Java vs. JavaScript coding

    In today’s web programming many Java developers write JavaScript coding hence they tend to follow Java best practice and coding style in JavaScript as well. But there is huge amount of difference in both the coding style and best practices.

  • There is no language yet available to replace Java!

    There is a perception created in the software development industry that Java is outdated and that Ruby, Python, Scala, etc., are going to take over Java’s position. Some “hyper-enthusiasts” have already left the Java platform. Sun’s profit model collapse, along with the failures of Applet, Jini, EJB, and JSF heavyweight frameworks, have added fuel to…

  • Wish you a happy new year 2010

    When your views on the world and your intellect are being challenged and you begin to feel uncomfortable because of a contradiction you’ve detected that is threatening your current model of the world or some aspect of it, pay attention. You are about to learn something. This discomfort and intellectual conflict is when learning is…

  • Wicket in OC4J / OracleAS

    Recently I tried deploying wicket framework based web application in OC4J container it didn’t work, whereas the same code works well in Tomcat. While googling found a few solution which recommends to use wicket servlet configuration instead of servlet filter to resolve the issue. I did the same but no luck. Then I tried associating…

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